Class & Course Description
Leaning into You
An In-Deep Self Chosen Embodied Yoga Course. For you who wants to come home to yourself and know the True You.
Embodied Flow™ Inspired Course. The course is based on Tantric Philosophy, Shamanism, PsychoSomatics & Reflection Yoga. We start with 1 hour Kriya, meditation & journaling, then we move into Vinyasa Flow Embodied, aligned with your spine. Slow, easy start into strength and stability. It is a therapeutic course with psychological benefits that aims to heal and empower.
Yogic Arts
Creative Power Yoga
Build up your strength and have fun at the same time!
* Pranayama
* Wrist Therapy
* Core Training, Bandha incorporation.
* Creative Yang Flow.
* Arm Balances
* Therapeutic, release poses.
A very dynamic, powerful, fun and creative class, that builds up your strength & balance. Joining this course you will get back into shape.
Inspired by martial arts and dance.
Very therapeutic and anatomically correct adjustments and alignments.
It affects the happy hormones, kicks your endorphines and can create Runners High.​
Embody your Heart
An In-Deep Self Chosen Embodied Yoga Course, also known as Anahata Embodied Yoga.
For you who want to know, live and empower your Heart.
An exploration and somatic inquiry in everything that resides in your Heart. Themes that will be explored: Forgiveness, Emotions, Relationships, Authenticity & Freedom.
Embodied Yoga, Dynamic Anahata Vinyasa, Somatic Movement, Pranayama, Meditation & Journaling.
The course is dynamic, either long holds or fast pace.
Anahata Vinyasa classes are either 75 or 90 min. We use props: 2 blocks and a yoga strap/belt. Wonderful for chest, shoulders, heart and blood flow.
Sunrise Vinyasa
These classes and courses are designed for the morning Body and Mind.
We take our time to arrive, ground down and check in.
Slow, lovely and gentle start into core and stability exercises and poses. We begin with meditation and pranayama. Creative, strengthening and insightful classes with a dash of Leika magic.
The lessoms offer you a wonderful start of the day which enhances wellbeing, creativity and flow.
* Pranayama (Puste og energi øvelser)
* Slow flow and gentle warm up.
* Core training, kjernemuskel trening.
* Vinyasa Flow, med balanse øvelser.
Embodied Flow™
A BodyMind centered Yoga course where I teach you to become an Embodied Being. It is Vinyasa Flow based, dynamic. Sometimes you will be served long holds other times fast pace.
Oftentimes the classes or workshops contain free movement and therapeutic couples work.
Embodied Flow is a deep dive into you, the classes are holistic that seek to expand your consciousness and facilitate healing in a profound, longterm way.
You will become much more aware of the complexity in which you are created and you will be able to tap into your different body systems.
The course is based on Tantric Philosophy, Shamanism, PsychoSomatics, Astrology & Reflection Yoga.
Most levels, you must know Sun Salutations.
Yin & Restorative
Yin & Restorative Embodied Yoga.
A lovely, gentle, very slow and easy class and course. This class is for absolutely everyone, also for you who describe yourself as "stiff", "beginner" or "too old".
This class aims to release stress and tension. It softens your muscles and fascia which creates flow and wellbeing in your joints, respiratory, nervous and liquid system as well as organs. This is a deep healing yoga style that refreshes your Body and Mind.
Yin & Restorative improves sleep, sore joints, painful muscle tension, helps if you have artritis. It improves anxiety, depression. It helps if you struggle with headaches, backpain and are under stress.​