Amrita - elixir of life
The school of Amrita™ is a spiritual, holistic school created by Leika Mark Noppenau the founder of Reflection Yoga and Therapy.
The school has the intention to bring forth the sacredness of life and to find ways to integrate spirituality into everyday life. This is a return to wholeness. Embodiment of the layers of man will have a profound focus. It is in the layers we understand and comprehend the complexity of human beings. It is also in the layers we have direct experience of interconnectedness and we remember we are part of a whole. The parts of man are foundations for the bridges.
Amrita - Elixir of Life
Liberation of You
Vision and desire of the School of Amrita:
Empowerment of the individual human being and to bring him/her back to his full potential, divine faith and destiny. It is my, Leika’s, deep wish and heartfelt longing for human beings to live in oneness and with divine purpose and integrity. I want human beings to come back to devotion, appreciation and care. The school is a school of divine, hughfrequency and the integration of spiritual energy is to be used for the benefit and wellbeing of all ALL Beings. Mother Earth is sacred, our holy mother and we as human beings have a responsibility to love, cherish and nurture her and protect all her children, nature, animals and human beings.
Let us once again become Mother Earth’s protectors and care givers. Let us be in service of divine light and love.
Amrita Meaning:
Amrita means Elixir of Life, immortality, non-dead, nector of immortality. It is a sweet elixir, tastes a bit like honey. The legend and the myth comes from Hinduism. ”According to Hindu myths and legends, the Indian Amrita ('non-dead), a drink of immortality with a sweet taste, was extracted from the bottom of the sea.
References to this miraculous nectar can be found not only in the Rig Veda, the oldest of Hinduism's sacred books, created for several centuries in the second millennium BC but also in Buddhist or Sikh literature.
The Amrita provided immortality and strength; it could also emanate new deities and ensure victory in the fight against demons, with which the gods had to fight to protect the divine drink.” A. Sutherland – Ancientpages.com.
The school of Amrita desires to reopen the sea of immortality so human beings once again remeber and experience their eternal essence and can embody the infinte space and know the intricacies and glory of the the divine Universe, also know as Source, Shiva, God, Allah.
Amrita, Elixir of Life,
Is a powerful energetical state of being, it is an ambrosia of transformation and power and it requires the utmost respect and responsibility, love and care, to embody this alchemical state. Amrita was used in the fight of demons and we shall once again utilize it for it’s highest purpose which is love, bhakti, sweetness and freedom.
The School of Amrita™ constitutes of different setups, services, courses and philosophical and ethical backgrounds. Embodied Flow™, Embodied Yoga and Teacher Training are part of the school’s services and vision. Not all courses include yoga, yoga asana practice, but all courses will include meditation, pranayama (breath and energy work), prayer as this is an integral part of spiritual work despite tradition.
School of Amrita™ values:
The school of Am™ sets high moral standards and values have to be a conscious part of the attendee and student. These values have to be reflected on before any subscription or registration. We also have a strict policy in regards to upholding these values and if an individual is not able to repesct the moral and ethical standards will be evicted without financial refund.
We value as the highest standards:
Equality; gender, non gender, race, religion, ethnicity.
Freedom for all peoples, human beings and beings.
Autonomy, self determination
Inclusion and warmth
Non discrimination
Non violence but clear boundaries.
Mother Earth and Nature, no harm, no destruction. (This does not mean one cannot eat meat it means how aware are you about what to eat, gratitude practice).
It should be stated clearly that the school is against genocide, apartheid, starvation, oppression, tyranny, false democracy, colonialism. The school is not a debate group or discussion group. We come to work and heal the world and ourselves.
1-year Course Elixir of Life; A Therapeutic & Spiritual Course.
9 months, 9 weekends, almost every Wednesday.
The course is deep holistic, therapeutic course that acknowledges spirituality as a way of life.
This is not a yoga course.
You can expect meditations and pranayama, some somatic movement and embodiment.
In the course you will be introduced to Energy work and control, chakra embodiment and healing, third eye/Ajna chakra opening, mantras, pranayama/breathwork, meditation, diverse psychological themes like boundaries, emotional intelligence, shadow work, devotion, sacred energy work for the benefit of all beings.
At the end of the course you will receive a diploma. Written material will be handed out every weekend. You must always bring a journal.
For each weekend you will introduced to a theme that we will explore physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically and spiritually. There will be couples and group work and a sharing circle at the end of every weekend and Wednesdays. Wednesdays will follow up the theme we dived into the weekend before. Some new material may be served.
For you:
who longs for a spiritual lifestyel, or is deply curious about spirituality.
Spiritual acceptance, understanding and expansion.
Discover your spiritual gifts.
Discover your spiritual power, potential and utilizing it for the benefit of all beings.
Holistic healing and therapy.
Self development and positive growth.
Expand your Emotional Intelligence.
Doing your Shadow work and diving deep.
Lifechanging transformation.
Somatic movement and therapy
Authenticity, becoming more You, the True You.

In diving so deep within, getting to know our secrets and corners, when we expand our hearts and our felt sense to include space and energy it has such a positive effect on how we parent, how we are friends, collegues and romantic partners. We not only award ourselves with gifts and blessings but we add joy, good fortune, optimism and love to our family, our clients, to our children and neighbors. At the end of the course we have expanded our empathetic capacity which makes therapist better therapists, parents better parents, friends better friends. We not only heal our own wounds but we can hold the hands of the wounded.
You will receive:
Written material in English for every weekeend
A diploma at the end of the Course. Obligatory presence every weekend.
Spiritual insights, lectures, assignments, meditation, mantra, pranayama.
Energy work and control
Spiritual toolbox.
Therapeutic pathways into a more radiant you, steps towards your potential.
Realization of your spiritual gift.
Somatic movement practices.
Benefits from attending and positive consequences of the course:
Embodied and Empowered.
Healed several layers.
More daring, courageous.
Sacred keeper and being of service to the world, Mother Earth, all beings and for the greater good.
To become a gift to yourself, the world and all beings.
Trauma healing
To understand Ego and learning how it works, effects you, then to utilize Ego in the best possible way.
Able to say ”Fuch janteloven”.
To become your true, radiant and authentic Self.
Expanded Self Worth.
At the end of the course you will have become a more liberated Self. A more authentic and empowered human being and a keeper of the Sacred.
Time Frame and Schedule:
9 months, 9 weekends, almost every Wednesday except holidays.
Weekends 2024: 7-8 Sep, 19-20 Oct, 2-3 Nov, 30 Nov–1 Dec.
Weekends 2025: 11-12 Jan, 8-9 Feb, 8-9 March, 5-6 April, 3-4 May.
Time weekends: 10-17 o’clock.
Wednesdays: 17.30-21 o’clock.
First Wednesday: Sep 11.
Last Wednesday: May 14, celebration and diploma.
Off Wednesdays: 2 Oct, 25 Dec- 8. Jan, 26 Feb, 16. april.
Total Course price: 34000 kr (if you pay all at once).
Price pr month: 3999 kr. September to May.
December price: 2999 kr.
If you struggle financially reach out. Payment plan and possibility for a discount available.
Ås Norway, you get the precise adress when you sign up.
Ås is located south of Oslo, it takes 17 min from Oslo S by train to Ås.
Max 12 spots, minimum 8 spots.
Registration and application to:
When you register and sign up you must write a few sentences of why you want to join the course, what are you looking/longing for?
Have you done any therapy before?
Honesty is a virtue so I implore you to be honest and vulnerable when you apply.
Last registration date: 26. August.
All rights belong to Leika Mark Noppenau, Reflection Yoga & Therapy. It is not to be copied or used by AI.