Yoga Weekend - the Mammilary Bodies
lør. 27. mars
MODAKA ELVERUM invites you to a Yoga Weekend with me where we will dive deep into the Mammilary Bodies. These weekends are so exciting to me since I know the Transformation and Embodiment is profound and be life changing.

Time & Location
27. mars 2021, 10:00 CET – 28. mars 2021, 15:00 CEST
Modaka, Storgata 17, 2408 Elverum, Norway
About the event
Velkommen til workshop med Leika Mark Noppenau. Â
Workshop 1: Hukommelse og koordination Hvordan hukommelse henger sammen med rom, koordinering. PÃ¥virke hjernen til Ã¥ øke hukommelse kapasitet. Forebygging av demens, alzheimer og parkinson. Â
Workshop 2: Hukommelse av din essens, tidligere liv, sjels hukommelse, ajna chakra. Hvordan du gjennom the Mammilary bodies har tilgang til spiral væsken hvor din sjels essens flyter. Â
Workshop 3: Happy hormones The limbic system Følelses manipulering. Hvordan man kan øke flyt i dopamin, serotonin, norephinephrine og oxitonin. Forebygge depression og et verktøy ut av depression og tung sinn. Â
Du kan forvente: Kriya Meditasjon Journalføring, notater Dynamisk og kreativ Vinyasa Flow, Asana utforskning Bevegelse utforskning Embodied Yin (lørdag ettermiddag) og slow flow. Dele runde i sirkel, spørsmÃ¥l og opplevelser. Â
The Mammilary Bodies affect: 🌸 Memory 🌼 Motivation  🌸 Coordination  🌼 Mobility  🌸 Learning capacity  🌼 Reward sensations  🌸 The flow of happy hormones  🌼 Emotions  🌸 Body information 🌼 Third eye #ajnachakra 🌸 Remembrance of you Â
 "By embodying my Mammilary Bodies I sustain and develop my memory capacity." Â
"Joy, hope and excitement are emotions that can be increased by creating flow in the Mammilary Bodies."Â
"My coordination has improved and I'm finding myself in positions I did not think was possible. The Pathways of Weight come easier and therefore balance is much easier for me to uphold." Leika mark Noppenau. Â
"Through an integrative blend of hatha yoga, somatics, movement meditations, tantric philosophy, and transpersonal psychology, Embodied Flow elicits the experience of stepping into flow as meditation in action. Â Embodied Flow is a school of yoga and movement reconnecting body, mind and spirit while finding tangible pathways between the three. Â We use movement, asana, meditation, visualization, philosophy, psychology, verbal expression, and science as technologies for acquiring a deep sense of strength, ease and connectivity in the human form. Â Embodied Flow aims to deliver its practitioners a sense of agency as they discover their own innate capacity to step into a life that is in flow." Embodied Flowâ„¢
  "Embodied Flowâ„¢ is a system of transformational yoga that invites you into the deepest sense of self. Through an integrative blend of hatha yoga, somatics, movement meditation, tantric philosophy, and transpersonal psychology it elicits the experience of stepping into flow as meditation in action." Â
Pris: 1 workshop 550kr 2 workshops 1000kr 3 workshops 1350kr. Â
Lørdag: 10-13 & 15-18 Søndag: 11-14 Â
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