“Your soul is your connection to the richness and power of Universal Source. When body and soul are misaligned you can’t be the divine human you are meant to be.” @jonettecrowley

Oftentimes when we are not aligned with our body we can feel out of place, alone, separated, confused, unable to focus, tramped and can’t find solutions to a problem or challenge. When the soul escapes the body or leaves the body long term or frequently it can create anxiety and severe depression. The soul leaves the body because of pain such as traumas, abuse; physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual abuse. Yes, also spiritual abuse, there are narcissistic spiritual leaders or spiritual and religious leaders caught in their own dogmas, conditionening, shadows and fear that can destroy the individual human being and hurt in such a way that the person’s soul leaves the body for good. If the trauma is big enough it can create a separation of bodymind- soul that seem constant and not able to heal, not able to become whole and come home.
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I am here to tell you that healing is ALWAYS an option and available to you. If you read this know that your soul is talking to you.
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Your soul wants you to be happy. Your soul wants you to be free, free of your own critical, self loathing voice. Your soul wants you to live in love and it so wants to love you, the whole of you. You soul wants to come home to you.
I took Jonette Crowley’s #soulbodyfusion course in 2012 and are using her techniques and have her wisdom embodied in me to this day. I am very grateful for the gateway you created Jonette and for giving me a tool to embody my own soul I still offer Soul Body Fusion so if you want to align yourself with your highest potential, your light and divine love that you are please contact me.